You. Avaliable on every smart phone.
Anywhere in the world. 24/7.
With appflight’s all-in-one mobile solution you can sit back and continue what you do best. We’ll take care of all the mobile stuff.Seamless multi-app integration unites users.
There’s only one of you... but there are 250+ million people using over 100 different smart phones downloading apps from several app stores. We’ve made sure that when a user downloads your app... they get the same experience no matter which phone or carrier they have.
Many phones. One App.
All of your app types (iPhone, iPad, Android, and Blackberry) are designed to make sure that they all look and feel as the should on each phone. You pick your style and we make sure its the same on every phone.

One central hub.
All of your app types (iPhone, iPad, Android, and Blackberry) are controlled by one control panel.
You edit once and every app is updated.
Add a photo, an event, change the theme, delete a section, etc... it all happens simultaneously.
You don’t need to know any programming, or any crazy jargon. All you need to remember is your password!
Pretty sweet huh?
Conversations... Across The Board.
We unite your users no matter what type of phone they are using and make sure they share the same experience... yours.